Where I've Been
This honestly feels so weird and foreign yet absolutely wonderful. I haven't written a blog post in I don't even remember how long (aside from the rebranding post with a mini update/showing you all I'm still alive). So much has happened yet nothing at all. I got a job, moved out of my parents house, got another new job, and am now searching for another new job. Lots of crazy job stuff. Let's just go back in time..... All the way back to August 10th, 2016. I had a job interview at Carter's an hour and a half away from where my parents live. Why so far away? Because I was going to go to a cosmetology school, one of the best around, which happened to be very far away. I got the job at Carter's and started August 21st. I was a sales associate and loved it but working with all the adorable little baby clothes gives you quite the baby fever ha ha. Then on my birthday, November 9th, I was offered a job at Justice. I started there the 13th while continuing at Carter's. Then on the 16th Justice asked me to be a part time manager, I accepted, but I had to leave Carter's due to a conflict of interest. I gave Carter's my two weeks notice but only stayed a week. I still feel terrible for how I left, especially since it was the Wednesday before Black Friday but I had to leave early for my sanity (I was scheduled 4am-10am at Justice and 10:30am-6 or 6:30pm at Carter's). Working at Justice has been fun and a definite learning experience since it's my first manager/supervising position, but it's also been chaotic and full of drama. I love helping people and I love clothing but work retail, at least at Justice, is slowly driving me insane (hence why I'm currently looking for a different job). Then my health issues... I'll make a more in depth post on it soon but I had some issues and ended up needing my gallbladder removed. I'm okay now and feeling better but I still have some issues. And that's pretty much where I've been. Haven't been up to anything too crazy or interesting, just taking some time away from social media and the internet. I'll try to make a post about taking time away/why I did it, but let's just say it's been one of the best decisions I've recently made. Hopefully you'll all be able to understand and that you'll still be there to support me on my blogging journey.